Volunteer Fundraisers

The branch has been working for the welfare of local animals since 1899 and in order to continue to work effectively for animal welfare in our area we need to raise funds.

Every year we spend more money than we raise and without our fast reducing reserves the branch would quickly run out of cash.

We need volunteers to help raise much needed funds – as an independent charity we do not receive any money from the government, local authority, lottery or local funding agencies. We rely totally on the generosity of local people to continue our work – if you could help, even for only an hour, please get in touch.

Will you help? Join the fund raising team, or volunteer to be responsible for one aspect of raising much-needed funds:

  • STATIC COLLECTING BOXES – Keep accurate records of the location of boxes in your area. Increase the number of boxes sited in the area. Empty RSPCA collection boxes on a regular basis, issue receipts, and bank the money received.
  • MERCHANDISING – Order and maintain stock. Research suitable venues, stalls etc. for selling opportunities.
  • EVENTS’ ORGANISER – Involves all sorts of events, the list is endless: Dog Shows, Sponsored walks, jumble and car boot sales, coffee mornings, etc. etc.
  • STREET COLLECTION ORGANISER – Involves obtaining the necessary permits. Organising volunteers helping with the collection and counting and banking the money afterwards.

Organising your own event?

There are many ways you could help to raise funds in aid of our branch from organising a cake bake to climbing Ben Nevis. If you have an event planned and would like to use the opportunity to raise funds for our branch we would love to hear from you.

Fundraiser News